customer experiences


Bought the "Light-Roasted High Mountain Oolong Tea" starter set and I'm impressed. High quality of tea leaves and the smell and taste are delicious. The tea set also makes it very easy.

Oliver Kegels

Frequently Asked Questions

If you use our teapot, you only need to let the water sit in the teapot for 30 seconds. Then it is quickly filtered, so there is no chance of the tea getting cold.

We also recommend preheating your glass or cup with boiling water.

We think the Mablend teapots are the best teapot for loose tea. But of course we have a bias ;-)

We do not recommend using a jug for loose leaf tea. The tea quickly becomes bitter if left in the pitcher for a long time.

Therefore, it is better to have a teapot where the tea can be filtered directly.

With a cast iron teapot, your tea can stay warm for longer. Although you have to warm the pot in advance with boiling water and only then can you pour your tea into it.

We are not in favor of a cast iron teapot because you can't see the tea, and you still have the taste of the cast iron.

We opted for a glass teapot. This preserves the purest taste of the tea.

We already think so. We used to be tea drinkers with bags, but have turned our hobby into our passion and now only drink loose tea. The quality and taste is 10x better.

You can easily clean our glass teapots with a sponge or in the dishwasher.